In Stock at Yard and Farm Company
 Edgemoor, SC:

 Phone: 803-328-6588 or [click here to email]

Heritage 10x20 on the yard
10x20 Heritage Model with optional roof dormer & lap siding 10 x 12 Standard Model Shed
 10 x 16 Garden Shed with shed dorner roof Pete's Barn 
 10x16 Garden Shed with optional roof dormer  This barn is on the yard for display purposes only.  
10x12 Oblong Gazebo, wood painted white with black metal roof  10'  Octoagon Gazebo - Vinyl with Estate Gray Shingles & Cupola
12x36 Shed Row Barn  10x12 Gambrel Barn
12x36 Shed Row Horse barn with optional 8' overhang   10 x 12 Gambrell Roof Storage Shed
 Phone: 803-328-6588 or [click here to email]